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Q: What is 50 celseus in Fahrenheit?
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a metal sphere is found to have a density of 5.2 g/cm3 at 25 degrees celsius and a density of 5.1 g/cm3 at 50 degrees celsius. Form a hypothesis to explain the observation. How could you test your hypothesis?

A metal sphere is found to have a density of 5.2 g/cm cubed at 25 degrees Celseus and a density of 5.1 g/cm cubed at 50 degrees Celseus.

Is it 50 Fahrenheits or 50 Fahrenheit?

It is, "50 degrees, Fahrenheit."

What is 50 degrees Kelvin to Fahrenheit?

50 kelvin = -369.67 degrees Fahrenheit

What is 50 Fahrenheit for Celsius?

50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius

Is 50 hotter on Celsius or on Fahrenheit scale?

50 Celsius is extremely hotter 50 Fahrenheit is cool

Is 95 Fahrenheit warmer than 50 Celsius?

Answer: No 50 Celsius = 32 + 50 x 9/5 Fahrenheit = 32 + 90 F = 123 Fahrenheit So, 50 Celsius is warmer than 95 Fahrenheit

50 degrees Fahrenheit is what in Celsius?

50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius.

What is 10 Celsius equal to Fahrenheit?

50 Fahrenheit.

What degree Fahrenheit is 50 degrees celsius?

50 degrees Celsius = 122 degrees Fahrenheit

50 degrees in Fahrenheit converted into Celsius is?

50 degrees in Fahrenheit converted into Celsius is 10ºC

Is 50 degrees hotter on a celsius or Fahrenheit?

50 is much hotter in Celsius than Fahrenheit.

What is the temperature 50 degrees Fahrenheit in celsius?

50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius