

What is 5 advantages of HTML?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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  • Easy to use.
  • Supported on almost every browser, if not all browsers.
  • Very similar to XML syntax, which is increasingly used for data storage.
  • Free - You need not buy any software.
  • Easy to learn & code even for novice programmers.
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Q: What is 5 advantages of HTML?
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This is false, the newest version of HTML is HTML 5.

What is benefits of HTML?

HTML is not a software application, it is a set of formatting rules. Many software programs can interpret HTML code and format documents based on HTML tags, such as <b></b> to tell a browser to show bold text.

How do you get HTML5 on your iPad?

you don't have to do anything to get HTML 5 on an iPad. The operating system supports HTML 5 already.

Where can one find a good HTML 5 tutorial?

One can find good HTML 5 tutorials on websites such as W3Schools and StackOverflow. As an alternate option, one can also find tutorials for HTML 5 on YouTube.

What are the 5 basic HTML commands?

1.<head>. 2.<html>. 3.<body>. 4.<h1>. 5.<u<

What are the advantages of using forms in HTML documents?

Forms in HTML provide us an interactive way to fill details. There are various elements like textbox, radio's etc.

How do you install hmtl 5?

HTML is not installed but rendered. The browsers render HTML on page.