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you do not need to, the Holocaust is over.

There was no rule about the number of things that a person could take with them.

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Q: What is 5 thing you can take into hidding during the holocaust?
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What is the significance of holocaust during World War 1?

The Holocaust did not take place during WW 1, it was during WW 2.

What country was willing to take the Jews and give them land during the holocaust?

Bolivia, but it was just before the Holocaust.

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Does the story the boy in the striped pajamas take place during the holocaust?

yes, this fictional story is set in the Holocaust.

How did they do roll call during Holocaust?

during the holocaust the Jewish had numbers tattoed on them when they were in the concentration camp these numbers represented who they are this was how they would take roll by looking at the numbers

Any video games that take place in the Holocaust?

I guess you could say that Call of Duty World At War is set in the holocaust time period. Most Call Of Duty Games take place during World War II. My favorite is "Call of Duty: Roads to Victory." And if you are looking for a war game that takes place during the holocaust, don't search "Games that take place during the Holocaust." Try to search "Games that take place during World War II."

In which time periods did the holocaust take place?

The Holocaust is generally considered to be during the years 1941 to 1945. But Jews died from the actions of the Nazis both before and after this.

Where does the story blima a Holocaust survivor take place?

In Poland, during the time of the Holocaust and when the Nazis were taking over Poland and other countries around Germany.

Pictures of the camps in Holocaust?

There are very few photos taken during the holocaust itself. The holocaust was top secret and photography was forbidden. A few SS men did, however, take photos, but not all of these are generally available.

What was it like during the Holocaust in the winter?

There was no heat. No food. No blankets to take at night. Riped clothes. Bare foot

What were the people made to work hard at concentration camps during holocaust called?

criminals, inmates, prisoners - take your pick.

During which war did the Holocaust take place?

World War II