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Q: What is A distinctive characteristic of the Midwest?
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A distinctive characteristic of the Midwest is its?


What does the word lineament mean?

A lineament is a distinctive feature or characteristic.

What are distinctive characteristics?

Distinctive characteristics are traits that set something apart. A distinctive characteristic of the new school is that the children must all wear a uniform. Or, the large mole in the middle of her forehead is one of her distinctive characteristics.

What is one characteristic common to all Midwest states?

because there all gay

What physical and human characteristics define Midwest?

lake michigan is a physical characteristic.

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What is the difference between characteristic and feature?

Characteristic = Typical of a particular person, place, or thing Feature = A distinctive attribute or aspect of something They are both 'Traits', however Characteristic is 'typical' and Feature is 'distinctive. characteristics : is something that distinguishes a person, place or thing between people Feature: is what is unique in a person :))

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What is the special body part of a Indian cobra?

The most distinctive and impressive characteristic of the Indian cobra is the hood.

What are all the characteristics properties of elements?

One of the characteristic properties of an element is that consists of atoms that has the same number of protons. The other characteristic is that it has a distinctive atomic number. The last characteristic is that it cannot be decomposed in the chemical reaction.

What does distinctiive mean?

Distinctive means characteristic, distinguishing, serving to distinguish that which can be easily distinguished or differentiated from something else, notable.

How does amines smells?

Gaseous amine possess a characteristic ammonia smell, while liquid amines have a distinctive "fishy" smell.