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The phrase, "A sleeping cat cannot catch a rat" is a proverb. I means that if someone is not paying attention then they will miss an opportunity.

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12y ago

I think the meaning is if we don't do any thing we just stay and stay we will not have anything.

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Q: What is A sleeping cat cannot catch a rat mean?
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No you cannot.

Can you catch mono from a cat?

No, you cannot.

A cat with two kittens are sleeping or A cat with two kittens is sleeping.?

'with two kittens' describe the cat. So, you should write 'is sleeping'. But if you mean that all three of them are sleeping, write 'A cat and his two kittens are sleeping'.

What does a sleeping cat can not catch a rat mean?

i think it means if you wanna reach your goal and be successful person you have to be active or struggle

How you write is in the past tense?

was (the cat is sleeping) (the cat was sleeping)

What does it mean when a cat doesn't meow?

it means the cat is probably sleeping and also having a dream.

Every once in a while a female cat will be born sterile this means that the cat cannot have kittens does this mean that the cat is not alive since it cannot reproduce?

No. Being sterile does not mean the cat is dead because it is only a disorder.

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Nothing, cats walk where they want to.

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Can your cat get your cold?

No, a cat cannot catch a human cold, just like a human cannot catch a cold or flu off a cat. These viruses are species-specific, meaning that they can only be caught from an infected animal of the same species.

Can a cat get the sleeping sickness?

Now days animals can catch any disease or sickness known to man whatever humans get animals can get it to so yes, it can

If your cat has a illness can you catch any symptoms from it?

No, you cannot catch illnesses from cats and cats cannot catch our illnesses. They have a different immune system than we do. There are some illnesses that do cross the species barrier. They are called zoonoses. See Related links.