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Q: What is Ahimsa silk why is it called Ahimsa non-violence silk how and where it is produced why is this king of silk popular now a days?
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What is the Hindu nonviolence?

Hindus speak many languages. Each state in India has its own language (more or less..) Most of the Indian languages are based on Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages with scripts. In Sanskrit and in many of the Indian languages, Non-violence is called Ahimsa which means non-injury or a lack of negative thoughts, words or action.

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In the 1960s Joan Baez started The Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, which is now called the Resource Center for Nonviolence.

The ideal of causing no harm to anything that can suffer is what?

In sanskrit it is called Ahimsa, Himsa is to harm by words deeds and Ahimsa is the opposite , ie not to harm anything that can sufffer. This was the path followed by MK Gandhi.

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buttholes who think nobody should get hurt! UGH so not true

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There are a number of films called 'Fast Forward. The most popular title was produced in 1985 by Columbia Pictures, Delphi III Productions and Verdon-Cedric Productions.

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Quakers who wouldn't fight were called conscientious objectors. This belief stems from their commitment to nonviolence and a refusal to participate in war or military service.

How is the Hindu and Buddhist religions not violent?

They have something called 'Ahimsa' which is spreading a message, or a point of view, without violence. E.g. Ghandi held peaceful protests

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Landforms produced by wind are called dunes.

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Poisons produced by pathogenic bacteria are called "bacterial toxins."