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Section 13A-6-66 - Sexual abuse in the first degree.

(a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree if:

(1) He subjects another person to sexual contact by forcible compulsion; or

(2) He subjects another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated.

(b) Sexual abuse in the first degree is a Class C felony.

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Q: What is Alabama ucr code 13A-6-66 sexual contact compulsion?
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What is the meaning of Alabama ucr code 13a-6-66 sexual contact-compulsion?

appellate cases, and thus compnse the current judicial interpretations of the criminal codes. 5 13A-6-6 1 Rape in the first degree. (a) A male commits the crime of rape in the first degree if: (1) He engages in sexual intercourse with a female by forcible compulsion; or (2) He engages in sexual intercourse with a female who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated; or (3) He, being 16 years or older, engages in sexual intercourse with a female who is less than 12 years old. (b) Rape in the first degree is a Who ever the person is u shouls leave them alone

Which sexual problem is showing private parts in public?

It is a mental compulsion, not a sexual problem : Exhibitionism - the need to show your body in public.

What the age of sexual consent in Alabama?

The age of consent in Alabama is 16 no matter your sexual orientation.

Is it illegal in the state of Alabama for a 15 year old boy to date a 18 year old girl?

There are no laws about dating. She could get in trouble if there is sexual contact.

Is it legal for a 20-year-old male to date a 17-year-old female in the state of Alabama?

Alabama has no laws regarding dating. There are laws regarding sexual contact, but that shouldn't be an issue since they are both above 17.

In the state of Alabama is it limited to where sexual predators can live and work?

Yes, in the state of Alabama, there are restrictions on where sexual predators can live and work. They are prohibited from living within 2,000 feet of a school or child-care facility and from working in certain occupations that involve contact with children. These restrictions aim to protect children and ensure the safety of communities.

Which disease is spread by sexual contact?

STIS spreads through sexual contact.

Are gays and lesbians in Alabama protected by law against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

There are no state laws in Alabama which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Alabama law about moving in at age 15 with a 23 year old man?

{| |- | The age of majority in Alabama is 19. That would not be allowed. And the parents cannot consent to any illegal activities. Any sexual contact could result in criminal charges. |}

How is being gay different than being addicted to drugs?

One is a natural, healthy sexual orientation, and the other is a pychological disorder of compulsion.

Which are examples of direct contact?

sexual contact and being sneezed on

Are examples of direct contact?

sexual contact and being sneezed on