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Gene Pool

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Q: What is All of the genes of the reproductively active members of a population?
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The group of genes shared by members of a population including alleles for both dominant and recessive traits?

The genepool

Are all of organism's genes turned on at the same time?

No. Only certain genes are active at the same time. When they are not active, they are turned off.

How can genes be removed from the gene pool?

Individuals leaving the population removes genes

How do genes play a role in evolution?

Evolution is, the change in allele ( different molecular form of the same gene ) frequency over time in a population of organisms. Genes are the hard heritability material that carry successful variation unto the next generation of organisms. They are also the ultimate target of natural selection in individual organisms. An organism with a gang of successful genes is reproductively successful and passes those traits on to future generations; into the populations gene pool.

How cell gets specialize to perform a work?

A cell is specialized depending on what genes in it are active and which ones aren't. The genes that are active define what the cell's job is.

What is a gene pool consists of all the genes within a?

all alleles for all genes in a population.

What reflect exact nucleotide sequences of active DNA?

Keyword 'active Dna' - Answer = Genes.

Why girls so short?

Due to genes which is past through your genes family members

What are the individual differences in genes among members of a species make up the total?

What are the individual differences in genes among members of a species make up the total? Gene Pool

How can scientists alter genes?

By introducing chemicals into the area that (thing) that they want to alter the genes of, they can "turn off" or "turn on" different genes that were dormant or active, but pre-existed in the subject

What would happen if all the genes in a cell were always active?

If all genes in a cell were always active, it could lead to chaos and dysfunction in the cell. Gene expression needs to be tightly regulated to ensure that the right genes are active at the right time and in the right amount. Without proper regulation, the cell might not be able to function correctly, leading to potential problems such as uncontrolled growth or cell death.

The collection of all the genes in a population is called?

Gene pool. All the alleles of all the genes of a population make up a gene pool.