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"Voice of woman" and "woman's voice" are English equivalents of the title of the aria Voce di donna, from the Opera La Gioconda ("The Happy Woman") by Amilcare Ponchielli (Aug. 31, 1834-Jan. 16, 1886). It also is the first line in the above-mentioned aria. The lines within the aria translate from Italian to English as:
Voice of (a) woman or of (an) angel -- Voce di donna o d'angelo
has loosened my chains -- mie catene ha sciolto;
my shadows block for me -- mi vietan le mie tenebre
the face of that saint -- di quella santa il volto,
still may not it/you not be parted from me -- pure da me non pàrtasi
without a pious gift! -- senza un pietoso don!
For you this rosary -- A te questo rosario
which gathers prayers -- che le preghiere aduna;
I offer you it, accept it -- io te lo porgo, accettalo,
It will bring you luck -- ti porterà fortuna;
On your head may you watch over -- sulla tua testa vigili
my blessing -- la mia benedizion.

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Voce di donna in Italian means "voice of (a) woman" in English.

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