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Q: What is An innate biological pattern of behavior that is assumed to be universal through a species?
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Who was Carolus Linnaeous?

Car Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician. He laid the groundwork for the biological naming pattern of binomial nomenclature.

What is a biological Rhythm?

A biological rhythm is a pattern followed regularly by an organism, or, in rhythm is you will. Generally speaking, they can be cycles as simple as sleeping at specific times of the day or as complex as the process of hibernation in animals that perform it. The key idea about biological rhythms is that they are cyclic changes in animal behaviour.

What is a habital?

The word 'habit' is a noun; a word for:1. regularly repeated behavior pattern: an action or pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it.Example: I really need to get into the habit of writing down what I spend.2. attitude: somebody's attitude or general disposition3. addiction: an addiction to a drug ( slang )4. clothing of religious order: a long loose gown, usually black, brown, gray, or white, traditionally worn by nuns, friars, and monks5. botany zoology growth pattern: the characteristic appearance, behavior, or growth pattern of a plant or animal6. shape of crystal: the characteristic growth pattern or shape of a crystal

Could Universal wheels from a 2003 Honda Accord fit a 99 Pontiac Sun-Fire?

only if the bolt pattern lines up and the offset is correct.

What is a modal action pattern?

Modal Action Pattern is a series of interrelated acts found in all or nearly all members of a species. Resemble reflexes, and have a strong genetic basis. (From Paul Chance, Learning and Behavior Sixth Ed.)