

What is Athena proud of?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is Athena proud of?
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What did Athena and Arachne have in common?

They both were proud about weaving.

What is the differences between arachne and Athena?

Both are wonderful weavers, Athena is a immortal and ageless goddess and Arachne is a proud and stubborn mortal.

Why doesn't Aphrodite like Athena?

She doesn't really dislike Athena. When Aphrodite won the beauty contest on Mt Ida, Hera and Athena were furious because they had not won. But Aphrodite was proud and happy.

Which greek god turned Medusa's once proud locks into ringlets of hissing snakes?

Medusa was the high priestess of Athena. She was beautiful and was desired by many men. One day Poseidon, Lord of the sea and earthquakes, took Medusa into Athena's temple and raped her. Athena was furious, for being a priestess of Athena, she had to keep her maidenhood like the goddess. So to make sure this didn't happen again, Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon with snakes for hair and eyes that turn people to stone.

What personality flaws does Athena have?

Some potential personality flaws attributed to Athena include being overly competitive or proud, lacking patience with those who may be less intelligent or skillful, and possibly being overly strategic or calculated in her actions.

How did Athena punish people?

She was generally a nice Goddess, rarely punishing anyone. However, she did lose her temper sometimes. There was Arachne, a weaver, and she claimed to weave better than Athena. They then had a "weave-off" and what Arachne weaved sort of made fun of the Gods. This made Athena mad, and Athena insulted her. Then, Arachne hung herself. After feeling very bad, Athena turned her into a spider so she could always weave. Once, Tiresias saw Athena naked after a bath, and she blinded him. However, she felt sorry for him, so she gave him the capability to see the future. So, you see, Athena gets mad, realizes it was a bit too much, and alters it a bit. There was also Medusa, who Athena turned into a monster because she was too proud and full of herself.

How is arachnids related to mythology?

Arachnids are related to mythology because a maid called Arachne was so proud of her abilities to weave that she challenged the goddess, Athena to a weaving competition. Arachne boasted that she would easily win. When Arachne lost to Athena, she hung herself in shame. Athena saw her do this so she turned the hanging rope into a web and turned Arachne into a arachnid so she can forever weave with her descendants.

Who was Athena's consort?

Athena did not have a consort. That is why she is called Athena the Virgin.

What is Greek for Athena?

the greek name for Athena is Athena or Athene.

What nicknames does Athena Stamos go by?

Athena Stamos's birth name is Athena Ariella Stamos.

What is the famous temple to Athena in the Acropolis?

The Parthenon, dedicated to Athena Parthenos = Athena virgin.

Who carved the statue of Athena?

The Athena Parthenos and the Athena Promachos were made byPhidias.