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It means that on the imaging study they can see calcium deposits in the artery wall. It implies atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries". To some extent it is a normal part of aging. If it is felt to be abnormal for the person then consideration should be given to reducing the Heart disease risk by controlling the blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, not smoking, exercising and losing weight.

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Q: What is Atheromatous calcifications of the aortic arch?
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What is aortic knob?

An atheromatous aortic knob refers to the aorta appearing as though it has thickened. The thickening is usually because of fatty and calcium deposits.

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The aortic arch is closer to the base of the heart.

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Which pathway correctly traces blood as it travels from the aortic arch to the left arm?

Aortic arch ~>left subclavian artery ~> axillary artery ~> brachial artery ( and its profunda).

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The three branches off the aortic arch arethe brachiocephalic arteryleft common carotid Arteryleft subclavian Artery.