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Q: What is Breaking down of large droplets into small droplets?
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Is breaking down of large fat droplets into small fat droplets by bile a physical or chemical change?

physical change

The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets of fat is called?

Homogenisation Right answer is Bile Emulsification that causes breakdown of f at globules.

What is the green liquid that breaks down large droplets of fat into small droplets of fat called?

I think it is Bile......

What do small molecules do in the small intestine?

They help in metabolism i.e the breaking down of large food substances.

How do microorganisms break down materials?

They digest food with enzymes; breaking down large molecules into small ones.

What green liquid breaks down large droplets of fat?


Where is the final place for breaking down food?

The large intestine is the final place for breaking down food

Why do small droplets of fats get broken down by enzymes more quickly than large droplets?

The smaller droplets of fats get broken down more quickly due to them having a larger surface area. I'll give you an example. Lets say for some reason you have 1 kilo gram of an evaporating substance which evaporates once it is heated to 80 degrees. Now have the same amount of this substance but one crushed up into small balls and the other in a large chunk of blob. If you were to both place them in separate pans which reach 80 degrees at the same time, the one with the small balls would evaporate or in your case broken down so to the larger surface area.

What is emusilfication means?

Emulsification is the process of breaking down large fat globules into smaller and uniform particles. The process is accomplished by bile acids in the small intestine.

Is bile produced in the liver and assists lipase in breaking down fats by first emulsifying it or dispersing the fats into droplets?

Yes, Bile is produced from the liver.

What is the process of breaking down food to small molecules?


Breaking large molecules down into smaller molecules?
