

What is Call by value?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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when the function is call by value,u are making any changes in formal parameter does not reflect the actuasl parameter.

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Q: What is Call by value?
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When only a copy of the argument's value is passed into the paremeter variable?

By default, a copy of the argument's value is passed into the parameter variable. This is "call by value" semantics, and the called function can do whatever it wants with the parameter, but it cannot alter the original copy. Sometimes, in C and C++, you can pass the address of the value instead. This is "call by address" semantics, but the called function must be designed to handle it - in this case, the called function can alter the original value. (Actually, it is always "call by value" - what we call "call by address" is simply passing the value of the address, a subtle distinction which is important to understanding the language.)

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Explain the passing parameters as function in Call by Value and Call by Reference and then distinguish between them?

Call by value essentially passes a copy of an object's value whereas call by reference essentially passes the object itself. Pass by reference is the preferred method whenever possible as call by value will automatically invoke the object's copy constructor, which is often unnecessary, especially if the object is not affected by the function call (pass by constant reference).

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What do ISDN devices use a call reference value for?

To identify a specific call

How many values you can return by call by value and call by reference at a time?

A function can only return one value, but it can modify its parameters if their type is 'in out' or 'out'.