

What is Cara's favourite butterfly in the change up?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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a yellow speckled skipperling

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Q: What is Cara's favourite butterfly in the change up?
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How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?

By growing up.

What is the name of the butterfly in the movie The Change Up?

It was called "the Many Spotted Skipperling"

What is an adult butterfly called?

its name doesnt change its still called a butterfly

What is the personality of a butterfly?

The Personality of a butterfly is a stuck up perfect butterflu

When was The Butterfly Lifts the Cat Up created?

The Butterfly Lifts the Cat Up was created on 1994-11-10.

How does a butterfly move?

Butterfly flutter about; a quick delicate movements of up and down.

What is the body covering of a butterfly?

The exoskeleton that makes up a butterfly's body is made out of chitin.

What is the average time a butterfly is in a cocoon?

It takes 10 days for a butterfly from its birth to grow up in a beautiful winged butterfly.

What is the beginning stage of a butterfly?

The process of which a butterfly is born is called metamorphosis. This process begins with a little egg, when the egg hatches a caterpillar emerges. Once the caterpillar has finished growing they form into a chrysalis (pupa), which is where the caterpillar begins to change to the butterfly. Once the changing process is over a butterfly emerges from the pupa.

What size are the butterflies?

the biggest butterfly is the Queen Alexandra butterfly. It can be up to 11 inches across. .

How long does it take a butterfly to turn into a butterfly?

The answer to how long it takes for a butterfly to transform is usually 2-6 weeks, and to improve your question.... How long does it take for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly?

How do you butterfly kiss someone?

you put our eyelashes on them and flutter them up and down like a butterfly flutters its wings