

What is Charge hopping in organic semiconductor?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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I think it's just when a charge moves to an identical site in the organic semiconductor, i.e. it's a form of charge transport in which the overall properties of the semiconductor do not change because of it. I'm looking for a better definition myself so if you now know of one then please post it here :)

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Q: What is Charge hopping in organic semiconductor?
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we know that relation in semiconductor is conductivity proportional to temp especially in extrinsic semiconductor holes or electrons are charge carriers . in extrinsic semiconductor when temp is increased then the energy of charge carriers also increases. now kinetic energy equall to [ (1/2) m v^2 ] in this M is constant this implies energy prop to square of velocity therefore if conductivity of charge carriers increases while increasing of temperature

What is meant by intrinsic semiconductor?

Semiconductor in pure form (i.e. without doping) is called intrinsic or i-type semiconductor. The no of charge carrier in this case is determined by the materials itself only and not by the impurities. In an intrinsic semiconductor number of excited free electron is equal to the number of holes.

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In semiconductor devices there are two types of charge carriers: electrons and holes. In N-type doped semiconductor the majority charge carriers are electrons and the minority charge carriers are holes. In P-type doped semiconductor the majority charge carriers are holes and the minority charge carriers are electrons.Some kinds of semiconductor devices operate using minority charge carriers in part(s) of their structure. The common bipolar junction transistor is one of these, they are sensitive to a phenomenon called thermal runaway because additional minority carriers are produced as temperature increases. (field effect transistors however operate using only majority carriers and are thus not sensitive to thermal runaway)

Why does current stop at absolute zero in a semiconductor?

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Why p type semiconductor has majority charge carrier as hole?

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No, wood is not a semiconductor. Semiconductors are materials that have electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator, while wood is a natural organic material composed mainly of cellulose and lignin.

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Semiconductor material can be made to become a conductor by doping it with impurities that introduce extra charge carriers. This increases the material's conductivity. On the other hand, to turn semiconductor material into an insulator, it can be cooled to very low temperatures to reduce the thermal energy of the charge carriers, effectively halting conductivity.