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The Jewish Scriptures, the 4 gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the letters of Paul, the pastoral letters, and the book of Revelation. The Catholic Church includes 12 additional books called the apocrypha as sacred scripture. The Eastern Orthodox Church includes these as well as 4 other books. (But is there such a thing as sacred scripture? You can decide.)

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Q: What is Christianity scared texts?
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What is the scared texts for Christianity?

Plenty of christians get scared. If you mean sacred, it's the Bible.

Sacred Texts for Christianity?

It is the Bible.

What are the religious texts of Christianity?

The Bible is the sacred text, or Scripture, of Christianity.

What is the scared text in Christianity?

The Holy Bible.

What holy texts are important in the Christianity religion?

The Holy Bible.

What is the scared city for Christianity?

Israel. Same as Jews and Muslims.

What are scared texts?

1 Religious texts, also known as scripture, are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or of central importance to their religious tradition. Many religions and spiritual movements believe that their sacred texts are divinely or supernaturally inspired.

What is the scared symbol in Christianity?

PLEASE change "scared" to "sacred" The concept is surely "love", not "fear" Am I the first to read this question?

What does it mean when the guy you like stares at you and texts you but never actually talks to you in person?

He MIGHT be scared to talk to you

What are the different texts between Christianity and Islam?

The Holy Bible, for Christians. The Muslims have the Quran, the hadith.

Why is a guy flirting through texts but not making plans?

He either has a girlfriend or he is just to scared to say anything in person.

Why was the creation of scared texts important to the spread of Hinduism?

Sacred texts helped people to believe in god. and made them more connected with their ancestors rituals.