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Circe was opening the door of her estate for Odysseus.

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Q: What is Circe doing when Odysseus first sees her?
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How does circe know who Odysseus is?

Circe knows who Odysseus is because she is a goddess-enchantress. She has the gift of fore sight and sees who Odysseus is right away. She also give Odysseus prophesies that help him reach home.

What person from his past does Odysseus see in the underworld?

He first sees his fellow crew mate, Elpnor who died earlier on Circe's island. Next he sees his mother, Anticlea.

What is the enchantress doing when Eurylochus' group first sees her?

Circe? She was, if I recall correctly, singing and weaving.

When the cyclops first sees Odysseus and the crew what does he do?

The Cyclops Polyphemus starts a conversation with Odysseus and his men, asking who they are, where they are from, and what they are doing in his cave.

How is Odysseus able to negotiate with Circe the safe return of his men?

Hermes warns Odysseus before his encounter with the enchantress Circe, and gives Odysseus a magical herb to protect him from Circes' spells, as well as exact advice as to what to do. Circe tries to turn Odysseus into a pig but fails. Odysseus rushes Circe with his sword, but she acquiesces, and tries to bed Odysseus. Odysseus commands her to swear an oath to do him no further harm, and after she has, he beds her. Afterwards he refuses to eat, and explains he cannot until he sees his men. Circe retrieves them (as animals), and administers a drug to turn them back into normal. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship.

Who does Odysseus see that makes him grieve?

He sees his comrades from the Trojan war, or was it the guy that fell off the roof at Circe's place? or both...

Who does Odysseus see in the land of dead?

Odysseus is sent to the land of the dead by Circe to speak to Tiresias, a blind prophet, about getting home. While he is there he sees his mother, of which he didn't know had passed. Odysseus also sees one of his soldiers who had fallen off Circe's roof (because he was drunk) and died. His soldier asks for a proper burial and to be properly mourned. Odysseus also does accomplish his goal of speaking to Tiresias, who warns him not to eat Lord Helio's cattle.

Who scorns Odysseus for the second time when she sees him in the great hall?

Antinous, one of the suitors, scorns Odysseus when he sees him in the great hall of his home. Antinous insults Odysseus and throws a stool at him, displaying his disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards the returning king.

Who is the shepherd who first sees Odysseus when he returns home?


What is an example of Odysseus's loyalty?

Odysseus shows loyalty throught the whole poem.1. He is only unfaithful to penelpoe when he is under Calypso's spell and when he is instructed by a God to sleep with Circe.2. He is loyal to Elphenor when he sees him in Hades and goes back to bury his body.3. He is loyal to hus crew when he saves them from Circe and from the Lotus Eaters.I hope this helps!(:

How did the cyclops feel about Odysseus and his men?

At first, Polyphemus sees Odysseus and his men as harmless delicacies. However, after he is blinded, he is enraged at Odysseus and his men, enough to curse them in the name of his father.

What is Odysseus's first act after leaving Hades and returning to Circe?

He and his men burnt the body of Elpenor While at Circes for the first time they all eat and drink, but Elpenor drinks too much and falls asleep on the roof and when he wakes up in the morning he falls off and dies. Odysseus then travels to the underworld and sees Elpenors soul among the others, after asking him how he died Elpenor asks him to go back to Aeaea and to perform funeral rites for him.