

What is Comets general path?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is Comets general path?
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What is the general path of comets?

found between the orbit of mercury and venus

What does a comet do in space?

Comets in space have an orbit path.

What stops a comet in a comets path?

chiken tenders

How does the sun effect the path of comets?

it doesnt effect them

Who was the first to calculate a comets elliptical path and return date?

Are you serious?

What path do comets usually take?

meteors are big cunks of rock so i dont think they take a path they just go where evere they go

How do comets come toward earth?

Comets come toward earth during their orbits. They are drawn toward the sun by gravity and sometimes cross earth's orbital path in the process.

Why have comets happened?

Comets are solid pieces of rock that are in long elliptical orbit around the sun. They occur because pieces of other space objects (asteroids, moons, planets, etc.) were knocked off into this path, and the path just happens to come close to the Earth.

Most comets are found before the sunrise or the sunset?

All comets are found before sunrise or sunset. As a general rule comets are not visible in day light so they would be found after sunset

Do comets revolve around the earth?

No. Some comets periodically pass by the Earth, such as Halley's comet, but the Sun primarily creates the path they follow. Saturn's moon, Phoebe, may have originated as a comet.

Why does a comets path curve around a large object like the sun?

gravity pulls it towards the large object

What shape is a comets path?

The shape of a comet's path is an oval. If u are an eighth grader, your science teacher will recommend u to use the word "ellipse" instead of oval ~ Thank You. or "elliptical"