

What is DEEF?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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11y ago

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By the way, feedback is the shortest word in the English language that contains the first 6 letters of the alphabet.

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"The Muller-Fokker Effect", by John Sladek, 1971.

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Molto difficile in the singular and molto difficili in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "very difficult." Context makes clear whether a reference to one (case 1) or more (example 2) of someone or something difficult suits. The respective pronunciations will be "MOL-to deef-FEE-tchee-ley" in the singular and "MOL-to deef-FEE-tchee-lee" in the plural in Italian.

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Difficile trovare e fortunato di avere is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "difficult to find and lucky to have." The pronunciation will be "deef-FEE-tchee-ley tro-VA-rey FOR-too-NA-to dee a-VEY-rey" in Italian.

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What is 'la différence cool' when translated from French to English?

"The cool (laid back, relaxed) difference" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase la différence cool. The pronunciation of the feminine singular definite article, noun, and feminine/masculine English loan adjective will be "la deef-fey-raw-skool" in French.

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