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Q: What is Determined by the number of significant digits in the answer?
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How many significant figures are in 0.00243?

Three. Significant figures (or numbers) are determined by counting how many digits above zero appear in a number.

How many significant numbers does 0.00243 have?

Three. Significant figures (or numbers) are determined by counting how many digits above zero appear in a number.

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There are 2 significant digits in the number.

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Three significant digits.

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This number has seven significant digits.

When multiplying significant digits what is the number of digits allowed in an answer?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

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All four of the digits given are significant digits.

How many significant digits are in the number 129?

All numbers which are not "zero" are classed as significant digits. Therefore in the number 129 there will be three digits which are classed as significant.

How can you determine significant digits?

The number of significant digits is the length of the numerical string from the first to the last non-zero digits in a number.The number if significant digits in 9807600, or 0.0012021 is 5.

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There are two significant digits in the number 83.

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There are four significant digits in the number 1.071.

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All five digits in the number are significant.