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Both do the same work that is put out larger particles that are larger than their pore size.

filters are more advanced you can even separate out single cells.

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Lamar Gibson

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2y ago
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12y ago

In the separation process of filtration the property of particle size is taken advantage of. In filtration, suspended particles in a liquid are removed by a filtering medium which acts like a mesh and retains the particles larger than its pores. This process is

not able to separate different substances (liquid, solid or gas) that may be dissolved

in the liquid (the solvent).

In the separation process of distillation the property of volatility (related to boiling

temperature) is taken advantage of. A liquid containing a dissolved solid can be

separated from it by distillation. Two different liquids with different boiling points can

also be separated (normally up to certain purity) by distillation using distillation columns or towers.

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13y ago

Decantation: Separating two substances after they have gone through the separation method of sedimentation, meaning the two substances have clearly separated inside the beaker or jar and can now be poured out into the original two substances.

Filtration: When a filter paper is placed over a beaker and given an example, sand + water, is poured through. The sand will remain in the filter paper because its particles are larger, while the water is able to pass through as the filtrate.

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10y ago

Filtration is a process of separation of solids from a slurry by passing through a permeable membrane.The intention of filtration may be the collection of filter cake. Clarification is applied when the solid content is less than 1% and the objective of the filtration is collection of filtrate.

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Q: What is Difference between filtration and sieving?
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How do you form mixtures and separate their components?

As a mixture is not evenly mixed there are many ways to separate its components by some of these physical methods: FILTRATION CRYSTALLISATION EVAPORATION DISTILLATION CHROMATOGRAPHY

What is the difference between filtration to evaporation?

Filtration is a process used to separate solids from liquids by passing the mixture through a filter, while evaporation is a process where a liquid is converted into a gas or vapor by heating. Filtration separates components based on size, while evaporation separates components based on their boiling points.

When gravity filtration is too slow what is the alternative filtration?

When gravity filtration is too slow, an alternative method is vacuum filtration. In vacuum filtration, a vacuum pump is used to create a pressure difference between the filter flask and the receiving flask, which improves the speed of the filtration process by helping to pull the liquid through the filter paper more quickly.

Is sieving sand from stones reversible?

is sieving sand from stones reversible?

Is mixture of sand and sawdust is separated by filtration?

No, a mixture of sand and sawdust cannot be separated by filtration because both components are solid. Filtration is used to separate a solid from a liquid or gas based on size differences, whereas sand and sawdust are similar in size and would pass through the filter together. An alternative method like sieving might be more effective for separating these two solids.

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What is the difference between Sieving and Filtration?

Sieving: i)The sieve used in this method has larger pores. ii) It is used to filter wheat,flour,etc. Filtration: i) The filter paper used in this method has smaller pores. ii) It is used to filter muddy water,etc.

What is the difference between filtration and sieving?

Both do the same work that is put out larger particles that are larger than their pore size. filters are more advanced you can even separate out single cells.

What is difference between winnowing and sieving?

winnowing is the separation of solid-solid separated by size and weight whereas sieving is the separation solid-liquid judged by shape and size.

What is difference between filtering and sieving?

hi everybody, if u wanna know the answer u will find it right here basically filtering separates tiny solubles and sieving is the opposite. Thanx

How can a mixtures be separated?

Methods are: distillation, sieving, decantation, filtration, ion exchange - depending on the type of mixture.

What are the ways on how separates mixtures of physical?

Methods of separation are: decantation, filtration, sieving, electromagnetic, centrifugation, distillation, ion exchange, gravitational system, elutriation, radiometric sorting, zone refining, sublimation and many others.

What is the technique you use to separate?

Examples of separation methods: filtration, distillation, sieving, ion exchange, solvent extraction, etc.

What are the different physical separation process in separating mixtures?

Examples: filtration, decantation, distillation, sieving, magnetic separation, solvent extraction, etc.

What are the methods of separating elements compounds class-7?

Examples: filtration, decantation, distillation, sieving, magnetic separation, solvent extraction, etc.

Which separation technique can be used to remove sand from seawater?

Filtering is the best and simplest method.By sieving small particles remain in water.

What is the difference between filtration and reabsorbtion?

Filtration is the movement of substances from blood into the kidney tubules, while reabsorption is the movement of substances from the kidney tubules back into the blood. Filtration occurs at the glomerulus, where small molecules are forced out of the blood and into the tubules. Reabsorption occurs throughout the tubules, allowing the body to retain essential substances like water, glucose, and electrolytes.

Methods for resolving mixtures?

Methods of separation are: decantation, filtration, sieving, electromagnetic, centrifugation, distillation, ion exchange, gravitational system and many others.