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A legend is usually a hyperbolized story about an individual or incident that has been retold generationally. The actions of the person, people or animal, animals or incident(s) often have an element of truth that have been exaggerated and may be told for fun. Examples would be the legends of Zorro, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Bloody Bones, The Hook, George Washington and the Cherry tree, etc.

A superstition may have similar elements, however, the stories generally have the additional component requiring the believer to perform certain behaviors/acts to prevent or cause the outcome. Superstitions can be passed down or a person can

form one of their own based on an incident and the subsequent belief that a certain behavior will prevent or cause the incident's recurrence.

Examples would be a black cat crossing your path is bad luck, unless you walk all the way back to where you came from and start over. Rubbing the hair of a red head for good luck. Cats steal the breath of babies.

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Q: What is Difference between superstition and legend?
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