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Protoplasm comprises the living matter of cell but not the plasma membrane. It embraces cytoplasm, cell organelles and nucleus.

Protoplast is any plant, fungal or bacterial cell that has confiscated its cell wall. Protoplast includes plasma membrane and Protoplasm.

Cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance of the cell and it includes cell organelles but not nucleus.

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Q: What is Different between protoplast and protoplasm?
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What is plasmoptysis?

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What is the difference between protoplast and protoplasm?

Protoplast is spherical completely cell wall deficient form assumed by gram(+) bacteria.It is produced by mechanical or enzymatic action.Presence of only single membrane.It cant be transformed to spheroplast.It can be used for membrane biology,DNA transformation. Whereas spheroplasts are almost completely cell wall deficient form assumed by gram(-) bacteria.It is produced by the action of penicillin.Presence of two membranes-outer & inner.It may possible to generate a gram(-)protoplast by removal of outer membrane.It is used for study of ion channels through patch clamp,transfection.

What are the functions of protoplast?

Protoplast consist of nuclus and cytoplast. So protoplast help in protein synthesis.

Is the green colour pigment in the leaves called protoplast?

No, it is not protoplast

What is Protoplast Fusion in Becterial cell?

it is a technique by which protoplast cells are fused to get new hybrid.

What are the difference between protoplast and spheroplast?

The term protoplast refers to the spherical shape assumed by Gram-positive bacteria. Spheroplast refers to the spherical shape assumed by Gram-negative bacteria. The difference is essentially the presence of a single membrane, in the case of the protoplast, and the two membranes (inner and outer) of the Gram-negative spheroplasts. It is also possible to generate a gram-negative protoplast by the removal of the outer membrane. Thus, in essence, protoplast refers to a bacterial sphere that is bounded by a single membrane and spheroplast refers to a sphere that is bounded by two membranes

What is symplastic water movement?

movement of water from protoplast to protoplast via plasmodesmata, but avoiding the vacuole.

Is protoplasm made up of thousands of different substances brought into a cell?


Is there arsenic in protoplasm?

There are no arsenic in a protoplasm