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Dionysus was known as a pleasure-loving yet fantastic god...and he teaches us tha versatile art of climbing consciously to the height of ecstasy in an unorthodox (mystical!) way...he also teaches us to be our own unique self. What do you think?

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Q: What is Dionysus known as and what does he teach humans?
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What did dionysus teach humans?

Go to google!!!lol

What does Dionysus teach humans?

He teaches humans to live life fully without any lies. He also brings the humans the ability to make wine out of grapes. He is remembered as the party god because of wine and his passion to always party.

What is dionysus best known for?

Dionysus is probably best known for his creation of wine.

What was Dionysus known for?

he was known for his wine and his parties

What was Dionysus also known as?

Dionysus, god of wine and vegetation was also known as Bacchus, Liber, and the 'Twice -born'.

What do humans learn from Dionysus?

The fine art of making wine.

What was dionysus full name?

Dionysus was simply known as Dionysus, no last name, he had titles and epithets but no family last name or middle name.

Dionysus gave Midas the golden tough as a regard for what?

Midas was greedy and wished to have everything he touched turn to gold, so Dionysus did so to teach him a lesson.

Who is the God of Wines?

Dionysus (or Bacchus) is the best-known god of wine.

What are Dionysus' symbols?

Dionysus' symbols include the thyrsus, vines, wine, and crazed women (known as the Maenads or Bacchae).

Why do humans feel closest to Dionysus and Demeter?

Beacuse unlike all the other olympian deities dionysus and demeter dwell on earth with.the human

What are facts about god dionysus?

Dionysus (also known as Bacchus) was traditionally associated with wine and revelry. he was the son of Zeus and semele.