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this is in the left frontal lobe focal encephalomalacia . I would like to now what that means and do i need treatment . there is a axial flair image# 11 there are 2 punctate foci of t2 signal abnormality identified in the subinsusular white matter anteriorly.There is an area of focal encenphalomalacia identified on axial images #. 11 though18 . There is a mild amount of focal increased t2 signal consistent with gliosis in this region . on gradient-echo images there is no signal dropout to indicate hemorrhage or chronic hemosiderin. imag #5&6 there are high t2 signal consistent with cystic change in the post aspectof the clivus. this is also seen on sagittal t1 weighted image #10 there is a mucosal retention cyst in the left posterior ethmoid sinuses otherwise the paranasal sinuses are normal. I have some problems headaches, weakness , clumsiness, difficulty walking,visual changes,difficulty with seech, behavior changes,nausea, i have seen a doctor butt need to have treatment

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11y ago

Encephalomalacia of the left frontal lobe is a softening of the brain tissue (or neurons) on the left front part of the brain and is usually caused by one of several factors: infection, internal bleeding causing pressure on the brain, head injury or other degenerative brain conditions. The softening is usually a result of dead brain cells. Having this condition does not necessarily mean that there are observable symptoms of the brain not working correctly. However, left frontal brain dysfunction symptoms if they appear are various and might be some of these: disturbed behaviour, certain loss of spontaneity eventhough there is no difficulty articulating, difficulty saying the appropriate words (word salad), decreased word fluency, concrete attitude, lowered inhibitions to name just a few. But don't run out and diagnosis your problems or others based on this because it is not that simple ... at all.

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