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Hine ma tov umanayim shevet achim gam yachad (phonetical spelling) is a song which says how pleasant it would be if the bretheren could all live together in peace and harmony.



Hine mah tov

Behold how good (masculine)


and how pleasing (femine)

shevet achim gam yachad

if brothers (people) could sit together in unity

(in Hebrew, the masculine also includes the feminine when a group of people are concerned)

Yachad is from the word Yachid which means absolute unity and has a higher connotation than just peace and harmony.

The question is asked in the Talmud, "How can you describe HaShem (God)" and the reply is "Yachid" (absolute unity)

It is for this reason that the word "Yachad" has a higher connotation in that it also implies unity with the Creator and not just with other people. Kind of like an elevated level of universal consciousness.

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