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Q: What is Enlargement in scientific terms?
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Goiter or thyromegaly is abnormal enlargement of the thyroid in medical terms.

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An enlargement is of one shape is another, similar shape whose dimensions are bigger.

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it is a penis enlargement it is where they cut the penis and make it biiger

What does enlargement mean in maths terms?

An enlargement is a transformation which changes the size of an object without changing its shape, rather as a projector enlarges the details of a photographic slide onto a screen.

What is the medical term meaning enlargement of a joint?

Joint Hypertrophy (hyper = a lot + troph = feed + y = process) is the general medical term for enlargement of a joint. There are also more specific terms depending on where the affected joint is located.

What is change in scientific terms?

In scientific terms, change refers to any alteration or modification in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of a system or entity. Change can occur in various forms and at different scales, ranging from microscopic changes in the arrangement of atoms and molecules to macroscopic changes in the properties of matter or organisms. In physics, change is often described in terms of quantities such as velocity, acceleration, force, and energy, and it is governed by fundamental principles like Newton's laws of motion and the laws of thermodynamics. In chemistry, change involves transformations in the composition, structure, or properties of substances, which can occur through chemical reactions, phase transitions, or other processes. In biology, change encompasses phenomena such as growth, development, reproduction, and evolution, which involve alterations in the structure and function of living organisms over time. Overall, change is a fundamental concept in science, and understanding the mechanisms and consequences of change is essential for explaining natural phenomena and predicting the behavior of systems in the physical, chemical, and biological realms.

What does it mean that you understand basic scientific terms and principles?

Scientific Literacy

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A substance is a scientific term that is used in chemistry.

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a Mantle

How you got breast enlargement cream in Malaysia shops?

Breast enlargement cream is available everywhere. The best way to get the breast enlargement cream is to order it from internet. One need not to go anywhere, just one click and you will get the cream at your doorstep.There is no scientific evidence, however, that any breasts creams increase breast size.

What is the sloth's scientific name?

In scientific terms a sloth is known as Eremotherium laurillardi

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