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Q: What is Erikson theory on satisfaction or growth?
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Erikson's psychosocial theory emphasizes?

Erikson's psychosocial theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and experiences in shaping individuals' development across the lifespan. It highlights the idea that individuals go through a series of psychosocial stages, each with its own unique developmental tasks, which must be successfully navigated to achieve a sense of identity and well-being.

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What was Erik Erikson theory based on?

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David Ausubel is the proponent of the generative learning theory. This theory suggests that learners actively integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge to form a meaningful understanding.

How did erikson's theory of development differ from Freud's theory?

All answers are correct

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Compare Erikson's theory of development to Kohlberg's developmental model of moral development to everyday life

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How did Erik Erikson's theory of development differ from Freud's theory?

There is lol! There is lol!

Theories of socio emotional development?

Erik Erikson's socioemotional theory

Why do you like Erik Erikson?

He originated Family Theory as we understand it today.

What is Counselling intervention according to Erik's psychosocial theory?

Erik erikson