

What is FIY?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is FIY?
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Secure is an adjective FIY

What does fiy mean in slang?

"Fiy" is a slang term that stems from the word "fire" and is used to describe something as excellent, of high quality, or exciting. It is typically used to show approval or admiration for a person, object, or situation.

What is the plural form of fiy?

FYI is all you need to say

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Ame beshy bala fiy

What has 100 eyes but no nose?

a fiy might have 100 or more eyes

Can penguin fiy?

I am sorry but not they can not fly even if you want them to they can not fly I wish they could but they can't

Does a dragon fiy belong to the insect group?

Yes. Six legs & wings means insect! ^^

Where do you fiy on Pokemon Silver?

beat chuck in cinnawood city gym have psychic,flying and electric types

Why do jet airplanes often fiy in the stratosphere?

Efficiency. A jet engine works best in thin air.