

What is George Kastrioti Skanderbeg's birthday?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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George Kastrioti Skanderbeg was born on May 6, 1405.

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Q: What is George Kastrioti Skanderbeg's birthday?
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When was George Kastrioti Skanderbeg born?

George Kastrioti Skanderbeg was born on May 6, 1405.

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George Kastrioti Skanderbeg was born on May 6, 1405 and died on January 17, 1468. George Kastrioti Skanderbeg would have been 62 years old at the time of death or 610 years old today.

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Gjergj (Albanian: George) Kastrioti(1405-1468) was born in Krujë, Albania from Gjon Kastrioti, lord of Middle Albania, who was obliged by the Ottomans to pay tribute to the Empire. To assure the fidelity of local rulers the Sultan used to take their sons as hostage and bring them up in his court. In 1423, Gjergj Kastrioti and his three brothers were taken by the Turks. He attended military school in the Ottoman Empire and was named given the title Iskander Bey (Albanian transliteration: Skënderbeu). In Turkish this title means Lord or Prince Alexander (in honor of Alexander the Great) and was given to him after repeated military victories for the Empire. Gjergj (Albanian: George) Kastrioti(1405-1468) was born in Krujë, Albania from Gjon Kastrioti, lord of Middle Albania, who was obliged by the Ottomans to pay tribute to the Empire. To assure the fidelity of local rulers the Sultan used to take their sons as hostage and bring them up in his court. In 1423, Gjergj Kastrioti and his three brothers were taken by the Turks. He attended military school in the Ottoman Empire and was named given the title Iskander Bey (Albanian transliteration: Skënderbeu). In Turkish this title means Lord or Prince Alexander (in honor of Alexander the Great) and was given to him after repeated military victories for the Empire. Gjergj (Albanian: George) Kastrioti(1405-1468) was born in Krujë, Albania from Gjon Kastrioti, lord of Middle Albania, who was obliged by the Ottomans to pay tribute to the Empire. To assure the fidelity of local rulers the Sultan used to take their sons as hostage and bring them up in his court. In 1423, Gjergj Kastrioti and his three brothers were taken by the Turks. He attended military school in the Ottoman Empire and was named given the title Iskander Bey (Albanian transliteration: Skënderbeu). In Turkish this title means Lord or Prince Alexander (in honor of Alexander the Great) and was given to him after repeated military victories for the Empire.

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