

What is Greek name Io?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It's the name of a Greek island.

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Q: What is Greek name Io?
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Io was a Naiad Nymph daughter of river Inakxos and Zeus. Her alternate name is Kallithyia meaning fine offerings to gods.

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Io is one of the moons of Jupiter, which was named after the Roman counterpart to the Greek god Zeus. Io was named after a woman in Greek mythology who had an affair with Zeus.

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All of the moons of Jupiter with names are named after lovers of the Greek god Zeus or his Roman equivalent Jupiter. Io was one of those lovers.

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Io was not a goddess, but once she went to Egypt, she was worshipped as Isis.

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Io Bottoms's birth name is Io Cecilia Bottoms.

Why did Hera name the Ionian sea by Io's name?

Hera named the Ionian Sea after Io because in Greek mythology, Io was a priestess of Hera who was turned into a cow by Zeus to hide his affair with her. Hera discovered Zeus's infidelity and sent a gadfly to chase Io across the sea, eventually leading to her transformation into a goddess. Naming the sea after Io served as a reminder of her sacrifice and suffering.

Who is Io's guardian in Greek Myth?

Click link below, then choose Io from menu!

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Io moth?

The accepted scientific name is Automeris io.