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Q: What is Heat energy from the sun creates air currents called?
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Which process do air currents transfer heat energy throughout the room?


Types of heat transfer?

The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object is called convection currents

What form of energy leads to convection currents?

the form of energy would be heat. convection currents are caused by uneven heating of air or fluid. The warmer fluid is more boyant than the cooler fluid, so it floats to the top, and creates a "convection current"

What is heat energy moving in currents?

Heat energy moving in currents refers to the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, such as air or water. This process, known as convection, occurs when warmer fluid rises and cooler fluid sinks, creating a continuous flow that helps distribute heat. It plays a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate and weather patterns.

The transfer of what form of energy leads to convection currents?

Heat Energy

When the air in the atmosphere unevenly warm by the suns wind currents are the result?

Essentially, yes: the Sun's heat creates convection-currents.

When the air in the atmosphere is unevenly warm by the suns wind currents are the results?

Essentially, yes: the Sun's heat creates convection-currents.

What is the force driving the oceans currents?

Heat Energy

How a convection currents within the earth cause the crust and the continents to move e?

It creates thermal energy and that causes the tectonic plates to move due to high levels of heat.

What kind of energy does convection currents transfer through a fluid?

Heat energy.

Is heat energy redistributed globally?

Yes, heat energy is constantly redistributed globally through processes such as ocean currents, atmospheric circulation, and the water cycle. This helps to regulate Earth's climate and temperature by moving heat from warmer regions to cooler regions.

What are the type of heat?

the 3 types of heat transfer is conduction, convection, and radiation. conduction is when molecules transfer their heat to other molecules when they bump into each other. heat transfers through solids. metals are the best conductors. convection is when energy is transferred by the movement of energy from a hotter, less dense particle to a colder, denser particle. heat transfered through liquids and gases by circulating currents. these currents are called convection currents. radiation is when heat transferred through space. thermal energy is transferred in waves. heat radiation is also called infrared radiation. the sun sends its heat through radiation.