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Q: What is Homeopathic medicine for soft tissue infection?
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What is swelling and infection of soft tissue around in a nail?

Paronychia is swelling and infection of soft tissue around a nail.

What is necrotizing faciitis?

It is a rare soft tissue bacterial infection commomly called "Flesh Eating Bacteria".

What are stages of soft tissue?

there are layers of soft tissue?

What is soft tissue prominence?

Soft tissue prominence is the growth of soft tissue that is undefined. Such tissue is not related to the structure of the body or a normal organ.

What causes caseous necrosis in lungs tissue?

Caseous necrosis is a type of cellular death in which the dead tissue is soft, white or yellow in appearance and sometimes smells bad. This can be caused by anything that kills a section of tissue, although it is more commonly associated with infection, particularly bacterial infection.

What treatments do naturopathic medicine practitioners use?

Naturopathic medicine modalities include a variety of healing treatments, such as diet and clinical nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, soft tissue and spinal manipulation, ultrasound, and therapeutic exercise.

Is soft tissue damage painful?

Soft tissue is anything that's not hard tissue, i.e. bone. So soft tissue damage includes bruises, stab wounds, gun shots, burns etc. SO yes, soft tissue damage is painful.

Why is brain tissue soft?

The reason that brain tissue is soft is because that is how God the creator chose to design it. Brain tissue is soft because it has the skull to protect it.

Are mesenteric and omental soft tissue nodules consistent with soft tissue sarcoma?

Mesenteric and omental soft tissue nodules could have a number of causes, usually metastatic cancer. In a patient with a known soft tissue sarcoma elsewhere in the body, this finding would likely represent metastases from this sarcoma. If the patient did not have a history of soft tissue sarcoma, this finding could be several things, and soft tissue sarcome would not be at the top of my list.

What is the meaning of the acronym RICE?

RICE (in medicine), is an acronym for "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation", a treatment for soft-tissue injury.

Which M is the name given to the soft tissue in the bone cavities?

The soft tissue inside of the bone is called "marrow."

What are compound fractures?

Compound fractures (now commonly called "open") break the skin, exposing bone and causing additional soft tissue injury and possible infection