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Q: What is Homeopathic remedy of thecal sac indentation and osteophytes?
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What is marginal osteophytes at L4 and L5 with reduced disc space?

MR imagemorphology is in favour of early marginal osteophytes at few levels. mildbroad disc bulge at l4-l5 causing minimal thecal sac indentation

What is mild anterior disc margin osteophytes?

posterior disc osteophyte at c5 c6 mild indentation on anterior thecal sac. there is uncinate spurring with left formaminal narrowing c5 c6 . would this require surgery?

What is meant by diffuse bulge of c5-6 and c6-7 iv disc along with posterior marginal osteophytes causing ventral thecal sac indentation?

These results on an MRI report mean a few different things. First is that there is generalized bulging of the lower discs of the neck. Second is that there bone spurs which have grown which are putting pressure on the thecal sac which can cause symptoms severe enough to require surgery in some cases.

Disc bulge at c5-c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left neural compromise is it dangerous situation please answer?

Disc Bulge at c5 c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left nueral compromise is it dangerous situation

What is indentation of the thecal sac?

i was hit by a heavy metal door on the right side of my back from the top right all the way down just behind the shoulder blade that sent me free falling forward made sudden stop to keep from falling to the ground.

What is thecal sac flattening?

Thecal sac flattening occurs when a herniated disc has into the spinal canal that it is pushing on the thecal sac. The thecal sac is the membrane of dura mater that surrounds the spinal cord and the cauda equina.

How do you cure thecal sac?

The thecal sac is a normal part of the human anatomy and doesn't need to be cured.

Can thecal sac be cured?

The thecal sac is a normal part of the human body. It is not a condition that needs to be cured.

What is narrowing of the the thecal?

The narrowing of a thecal sac depends on where it is located. It might be a bulging disc or a pinched nerve.

What is deformity of the thecal sac?

A thecal sac deformity is usually associated with a herniated disc, however some thecal sac deformities are congenital. If the deformity is associated with a herniated disc, surgery may be recommended.

What does right paracentral disc protrusion at T6-7 with moderate effacement of right anterolateral aspect of thecal sac mean?

You have protrusion of the disc between thoracic six and seventh vertebrae. This protrusion has created indentation on the sac of dura matter on the anterolateral region of the spinal cord. This can compress your spinal cord.

What is impingement upon the thecal sac?

The thecal sac is the covering for the spinal cord. This can be seen on an MRI. Impingement means that something is pressing on it.