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Some Jewish people despised the Samarians [Samaritans] and the idea of the story is to not judge anyone for maybe it is possible to be saved from death from your so called worst enemy...also Jesus said that "if You only like those who like You then what reward is there in that"...Jesus also said "if You do not humble yourself like a little child then you may never even enter the Kingdom of Heaven"... I think Jesus was trying to say that everyone is inclusive in God's world and there are no special cases we are all God's children and thus for equal...Jesus also told the Zealot's that they should forgive all the people who persicute and murder You ie "the Romans" "forgive them all" "The lion shall lie down for the lamb"

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16y ago
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13y ago

The story of the Good Samaritan comes from Luke's Gospel. The author of Luke, more than any other gospel author, wanted to emphasise that Jesus sought people other than Jews - the Gentiles and Samaritans.

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7y ago

The account of the good Samaritan is found at: Luke 10:29-37.

Jesus purposely used a Samaritan in his illustration because there was a history of hatred between them and the Jews. It made his illustration of kindness even more striking.

History: From the time when Rehoboam and Jeroboam split the twelve tribes of Israel, there had been animosity between the people, since King Jeroboam had worked hard over the years, to alienate the ten tribes from the original center of worship in Jerusalem, moving it to Samaria. Many conflicts ensued over the years, to the point where we learn at John 4:9 that Jews had NO dealings with Samaritans at all, and would not even acknowledge them.

Answer2: CAN we recognize tendencies toward prejudice in ourselves? For example, do we draw conclusions as to the character of a person based on his skin color, nationality, ethnic group, or tribe-even though we do not know that person? Or can we value each person for his or her unique qualities?

In Jesus' day people who lived in Judea and Galilee generally had "no dealings with Samaritans." (John 4:9) A saying recorded in the Talmud no doubt expressed the feeling of many Jews: "May I never set eyes on a Samaritan."

Even Jesus' apostles may have harbored a degree of prejudice against Samaritans. On one occasion they were not received kindly by a Samaritan village. James and John asked if they should call down fire upon the unresponsive people. By his rebuke, Jesus showed them that their attitude was improper.-Luke 9:52-56.

Jesus related a parable of a man who had been set upon by robbers during his journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. Two religious Jewish passersby were not inclined to help the man. A Samaritan, however, stopped and bandaged the man's wounds. Then he arranged for the man's care so that he could recover from his injuries. That Samaritan proved himself a real neighbor. (Luke 10:29-37) Jesus' parable may have helped his listeners to realize that their prejudice blinded them to the good qualities in others. A few years later, John returned to Samaria and preached in many of its villages-perhaps including the village that he once wanted to have destroyed.-Acts 8:14-17, 25. ( fr 9/8/04 Awake "End of Prejudice" on Jehovah's Witnesses official website)

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12y ago

The parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 was a reversal or the 'good guy, bad guy' stereotypes. Usually the Levites and priests were the good guys and the Samaritans (mix of Northern Kingdom Israelites and slaves of the Assyrians - Arab peoples) the bad guys such that they would be compromised in religious matters. Yet here we find Jesus telling us that the Samaritan knew how to treat his neighbor even though the person he helped was not of his same race - just someone in need.

Jesus ends the story to the lawyer by telling him to show the same mercy upon any who are in need. Indeed, Jesus' life is an example of how we are to 'Love our neighbors like Jesus loved each of us' - complete, unselfish to the end.

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12y ago

The parable of the good Samaritan's message is that people should help others. The injured man was a Jew and even though the two nationalities were enemies the Samaritan helped anyway.

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11y ago

To force the audience to recognize who was considered a neigbor

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Q: Why did Jesus use a Samaritan in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
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A:Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37. Jesus had appointed seventy disciples to preach his word in every city and place, and they had just returned and reported their success to him. It is important that this parable occurs only in Luke's Gospel, as scholars have demonstrated that the author of this gospel learnt ever thing he knew about the mission and sayings of Jesus from Mark's Gospel and the hypothetical 'Q' document. As the story of the Good Samaritan is not to be found in those source documents, it is more likely that the author of Luke was the originator of the story he attributed to Jesus. This was written in the nineties of the first century or quite early in the second century.

Why do parables use people instead of aniamls?

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In the Bible where does Jesus talk about love?

Love is a defining characteristic of God. Therefore when Jesus was on the earth, He mentioned it many times. Many of the parables told by Jesus talk about love. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46), Jesus explains how we should give our love to others in the same way we would to God. The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) explains that people should love everyone and not only those who deserve love or those that "should be loved". The Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10) shows that God values everyone highly and desires to be with everyone. Of all of the parables, Jesus makes God's love for us most clear in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Matthew 15:11:32). In Matthew 22:37-38, Jesus gives us the command to love one another. This is repeated in John 15:9-17. In Matthew 10:37-39, Jesus says that we must love Him more than anything else. These are just a few of the other places. Love is mentioned much in John 13-15. My favorite passage for love in the Bible is Romans 12:9-21. This passage explains how we should love one another. This was written by Paul and not said by Jesus, but because it is in the Bible it is the Word of God, for it is written, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1)." A good way to find other passages about love is to use a Bible with a concordance. There are many excellent scriptures. P.S. I underlined all of the references that I made to scriptures about love.