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Q: What is Kashmiris religion?
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Who are kashmiris racially?

Kashmiris are genetically close to Eastern Europeans and Mediterraneans.

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Does kashmiri girls want to marry outsiders?

Well im an indian muslim girl. I often saw Kashmiris marrying only Kashmiris. But there are exceptions where they marry people from outside Kashmir as well. As for the law, Indian laws discourage intermarriage of Kashmiris with other people to protect Kashmiri identity. Hope this helps!

Is the majority of Kashmir's population is Hindu?

no, in fact majority of kashmiris are muslim.

How many Indian troops are stationed in Kashmir?

Over 800000 killing innocent Kashmiris there

In which country do people drink tea with salt?

Tibetan butter tea contains rock salt and yak butter. Salt tea, which is consumed in some cultures in the Hindu-Kush region of northern Pakistan, and probably in other areas as well. Well, Salt Tea or "Nun Chai" is more prominent in Kashmir than anywhere else and is a daily affair in the lives of Kashmiris. Kashmiris drink salt tea twice a day, morning in the breakfast and then in the afternoon before dusk. It is something which kashmiris can't detach themselves from. It is a must for every kashmiri.

What are the important mounments of jammu and kashmir?

The most important moment is yet to come. It will be when the genocide of Kashmiris by the indians ends and all of it is part of Pakistan.

Is kashmir a rich or poor country?

kashmir can be a rich country if its govern by kashmiris, it has huge natural resources and God granted beauty. Its switzerland of Asia.

How do i say mother in kashamiri?

Almost india every language mother means ma or amma. Kashmiris was developed from Hindi.

Is Mohammad Kaif Katrina's father Shiite?

Hell no, his father is follower of sufism, which mostly kashmiris are. And sufism is derived from sunni islam. She would fell out of her chair if she come to know the meaning of this rotten stinking word shia.

Do afghan women wear clothing like Pakistani women?

Since different parts of Pakistan have different clothing styles, some wear clothing similar to those of the pashtuns, kashmiris, and Punjabi's. These are also the cultures most influenced by Afghanistan so similarities exist.

Who is responsible for kashmir dispute whether it is India Pakistan or King of Kashmir?

Kashmiris wanted to join Pk but their raja sold the region to India. now India is stubborn enough to hold on kashmir despite her wish to join Pk. while Pk knowing the Muslim majority in kashmir and also under the sense of brotherhood with kashmiri Muslims wants to get it back from India. later on it will be the wish of kashmiris to join Pk or make their own coubtry. MIND INDIA HAS BEEN CAUSING BLOODSHED, KILLING INNOCENTS, BEING STUBBORN, AVOIDING THE DECISIONS OF UNO AND VOILATING HUMAN RIGHTS EVER SINCE IT HELD ON KASHMIR!