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Q: What is Literal interpretation and strict adherence to basic principles of a religion?
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Related questions

What is the strictest adherence to traditional beliefs called?

Fundamentalism is the strictest adherence to traditional beliefs, often characterized by a literal interpretation of religious texts and a resistance to modern ideas or changes in society.

What describes fundamentalism?

a belief in Protestant teachings and the literal truth of the Bible

Christian fundamentalists in the 1920s opposed?

In Religion a fundamentalist believes in a literal interpretation (as he understands it) of what he reads, teaching evolution

What has the big bang got to do with religion?

Essentially nothing. If you insist on a precisely literal interpretation, the theory does contradict the book of Genesis in the Bible.

Was J.R.R. Tolkien a fundamentalist?

J.R.R. Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic, but he did not identify as a fundamentalist. His faith had a significant influence on his writing, but he did not promote a literal interpretation of the Bible or strict adherence to traditional religious beliefs.

How does Darwin's theory of evolution contradict religion?

Evolution does not contradict religion itself. It contradicts the interpretation of a religious text as a literal description of biology. By the same token, the solar system contradicts the interpretation of religious text as meaning the Earth is the center of the Universe.

What is fundamentalisim?

A form of Protestant Christianity that upholds belief in the strict and literal interpretation of the Bible.Strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion or ideology

What belief follows an exact interpretation or explanation of religion?

A belief in the literal truth and accuracy of religious texts, teachings, and doctrines. This perspective often views religious scriptures as infallible and adheres strictly to their interpretation without room for metaphorical or symbolic interpretation.

Fundamentalism can be characterized in which of the following ways?

Fundamentalism is typically characterized by a strict adherence to religious beliefs, a literal interpretation of religious texts, resistance to modernization and secularism, and a desire to return to traditional values and practices. It often involves an exclusivist and confrontational attitude towards those who do not share the same beliefs.

What is the spiritualization of The Bible?

It is changing a literal interpretation to an allegory.

What is the literal approach to statutory interpretation?

Literal is a formalist theory of statutory interpretation which holds that a statute's ordinary meaning should govern its interpretation, as opposed to inquiries into non-textual sources such as the intention of the legislature in passing the law.

Movement based on a literal interpretation of a doctrine is called?
