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Q: What is Luminous and what is reflect?
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Does a candle light reflect light or is it luminous?

It is luminous.

Are mirrors luminous?

No - the only reflect light.

Differentiate luminous and non-luminous?

luminous - emits light e.g. the sunnon- luminous - does not emit light though will often reflect light e.g. the moon.

What is the meaning of non luminous?

Unable to reflect light!

Are the stars and moon luminous?

Stars are luminous, shine by themseves. Moon isn't, it can only reflect light.

Is Mars luminous?

For the most part, no, Mars is not luminous. However, at certain angles, it can reflect light from the sun and be seen.

What does non-luminous mean?

Non-luminous means that an object cannot produce light although it may reflect light

Are asteroids luminous?

No. Asteroids are just made of rock and metal. They do not glow.

What do you call objects that reflect the light from something else?

non-luminous objects

Does a luminous object produce its own light?

A luminous object can reflect light off other light sources. But it can also produce its own light.

Is an eye luminous?

No. Eyes are not luminous. They observe or perceive light but they do not emit light. Luminous means "emit light." There are various species of animals, such as deer, cats, and dogs, whose eyes have the ability to reflect light which sometimes make them appear to glow in the dark as they reflect a flashlight, headlight, or other light that is shining in their direction. But even then, the eyes do not produce their own light so they are not luminous.

How do planets shine even if they are not luminous bodies?

They don't. They reflect light from the sun.