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Q: What is Michigan's notary fraud penalty?
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Benefits of a notary?

Having a notary at a transaction guarantees that each person is who they claim to be which cuts down on fraud and identity theft.

What if a licensed notary emails an unlicensed notary soliciting work in order to trap this notary?

I am unsure what an "unlicensed" notary is. If a notary's commission has expired, that person is no longer a notary and cannot legally notarize documents. If a notary with an expired-commission notarizes a document, the expired-commission notary can face fines or jail-time. The legal status of the improperly notarized document varies from state to state. Asking an expired notary to work, via email or otherwise, is not a crime and does not necessarily constitute an attempt at fraud. If an uncommissioned notary is soliciting work, that person is committing fraud.

What is the penalty for check fraud?

You must pay a fine.

Criminal penalty in Montana for check fraud?


What is Michigans man?

....michigans man?

What is the penalty for car rental fraud?

Grand Theft AutoThe penalty is usually about 5 years in Prison.

If a notary stamps a document for a corporation and they are a part of that corporation is that fraud?

Probably not. The notary in most American states is licensed by the secretary of state to perform notarial duties according to local statutes and regulations and it makes no difference who the "client" is. The notary must carry out the procedures as required by law. On the other hand, if the notary is "ordered" to violate the regulations and does so to keep his or her job, then it may not be fraud, but it is certainly a crime that needs to be dealt with appropriately. A notary is just assuring the person signing the document is the one signing the document. It does not assure anything about the content of the can be "I swear I am not John Smith"...signed by John Smith and notarized by a notary assuring that it is indeed John Smith signing. So what could be the fraud the notary would commit?

Declaration Under the Penalty of Perjury, Notary Statement?

Declaration Under the Penalty of Perjury, Notary Statement(Download)STATE OF ___________________COUNTY OF _________________________________________, herewith declares under the penalties of perjury:That they are competent under the law to give this declaration and unless stated have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein:____________________________________NotaryExpiration ExpiresDeclaration Under the Penalty of Perjury, Notary StatementReview ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This statement can go at the end of a notary witnessing, if you so choose. It is a more formal and pointed way for the notary to witness a signature.

What is the penalty for scientific fraud?

depends on how bad the person lied

Can a notary stamp be altered and used?

No. In fact, alteration of a notary stamp is most likely considered fraud in most jurisidctions and will probably subject the perpetrator to criminal penalties.

What is the penalty for fraud credit card use in Oakland County?

It is fraud and stealing so that means prison time.