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Mildred is concerned that Beatty will burn their entire house to the ground if he finds out they have books, along with the potential consequences that may arise from defying the strict book-banning laws in their society.

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Q: What is Mildred's main concern about Beatty finding out they had books?
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Fahrenheit 451 what is montage worried about captain be atty finding at his house?

Montag is worried about Captain Beatty finding the books hidden in his house. He fears that Beatty will discover his secret obsession with reading and knowledge, which goes against the society's strict anti-book laws that Beatty upholds as Fire Chief.

What did Beatty do to Montag?

Beatty taunted Montag about his growing curiosity and defiance towards the rules. He provoked Montag to burn his own house by quoting books, knowing that Montag was hiding illegal books, resulting in Montag turning the flame-thrower on Beatty.

What does Beatty say to MrsBlake about the books?

They're not aloud to read books.

What does Captain Beatty use as a weapon against Montag and how it it fitting?

Captain Beatty uses logic and quotes from well-known books to cause Montag to doubt himself. It is fitting because Montag but all his trust in books for truth and Beatty uses it against him. Hope this helps...

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Beatty blamed Montag's neighbor, Professor Faber, for influencing his use of illegal books. Beatty believed that Faber had turned Montag against society and the fire department by encouraging him to read and think critically.

Why was captain beatty a literary expert?

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Why did Captain Beatty believe books should be destroyed in Fahrenheit 451?

Captain Beatty believed that books should be destroyed in Fahrenheit 451 because he thought they were dangerous and caused conflict and unhappiness in society. He believed that by eliminating books, they could maintain a sense of peace and conformity among the population. Beatty also felt threatened by books because they contained ideas that challenged the government's control over the people.

Who does beatty think fooled and ruined montag?

Beatty believes that books have influenced and ruined Montag's mind, leading him to question the society they live in and rebel against the status quo. Beatty sees books as the source of Montag's discontent and believes they have misled him into thinking differently from those around him.

What crimes did Guy from Fahrenheit 451 commit?

He murdered Beatty. Guy also kept and read books which is illegal in his society.

Why does Beatty make Montag burn his house in Fahrenheit 451?

because they found books in Montag's house.

What was the purpose of Beatty's visit?

Captain Beatty's visit to Montag's house was to warn him about the dangers of books and to urge him to return to his normal duties as a fireman. Beatty suspected that Montag was harboring books in secret and wanted to prevent any further disobedience.

What is the swear word know to Beatty in the book Fahrenheit 451?

The swear word known to Beatty in the book "Fahrenheit 451" is "hell." Beatty mentions that "hell" is considered a swear word because it is linked to religion in a society where books are banned and intellectual freedom is restricted.