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Q: What is NDC in computer graphics?
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What is the full meaning of NDC?

NDC in what context?Name Daemon ControlNew Dimension ComputingNational Datacomm Corporation........... NDC National Data Corporation NDC National Defence Council NDC National Directory for Catechesis NDC National Disability Council (UK) NDC Natural Death Centre (UK) NDC Normalized Device Coordinate (computer graphics) NDC National Distribution Centers NDC Name Daemon Control Program (command allowing the system administrator to control the operation of a name) NDC Nansen Dialogue Center (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) NDC Nuclear Data Center NDC Naval Doctrine Command NDC National Distribution Company NDC National Dialogue Council (Iraq) NDC NATO Deployable Corps NDC National Dispatch Center, Inc. NDC National Development Conference (various nations) NDC National Democratic Committee NDC Northeast Dairy Compact NDC SMK Notre Dame Convent (Malaysia) NDC Number of Different Crops NDC Network Design & Construction Ltd. NDC Notification of Document Change NDC National Disaster Coalition NDC New Digital Cinema NDC Non Dutiable Charge NDC Non-Destructive Cleaning NDC Nordic Consulting Group NDC Notched Diametral Compression NDC National Diamond Center (Israel) NDC NCR Direct Connection NDC National Distribution Circuit NDC Neighborhood Design Center of Maryland, Inc. NDC Neurological Diagnostic Center NDC Neighbourhood Development Coordinator NDC Nondiploar Content NDC Non-Designated Country NDC Northampton Development Center (NDC Railroad) NDC Network Dialing Code NDC National Development Council, Inc. NDC National Depository Center (various locations) NDC New Drug Candidate NDC National Democratic Club (Washington, DC) NDC Non-Dairy Creamer (food product)

Why is a computer good for graphics?

Depending on the graphics card in your computer it will state the graphics you have

What do you understand by computer graphics?

Computer graphics involves creating, manipulating, and displaying visual content using computers. It encompasses a wide range of applications, such as designing interfaces, video games, animations, and visual simulations. Overall, computer graphics aim to generate realistic images or visual representations of data for various purposes.

What are Points and lines in computer graphics?

whait is point in computer graphics

Passive computer graphics?

Its just an another name of non - interactive graphics. Actually interactive and non - interactive graphics are a classification of computer graphics on the basis of interaction of the computer graphics system towards users.

What are the common examples of computer graphics?

computer graphics are used in games. films are also produced by computer graphics.

What do you mean by interactive and passive computer graphics. also explain how does an interactive computer graphics works?

passive and interactive computer graphics example

When was Computer Graphics Metafile created?

Computer Graphics Metafile was created in 1986.

What is the Malayalam meaning of the English word graphics?

graphics means chithram in Malayalam in genaral...but if you mention computer is said as computer graphics itself.

What does computer graphics is all about?

Computer graphics is basically pictures, art, or designs made or put on a computer.

What is graphics media accelerator?

graphics media accelerator or in other words graphics card or video card. a hardware for computer to boost up the speed of the display graphics of the computer. it also ends up the sharing of memory of the computer RAM for the display graphics. it also enables the computer to have graphics memory depending on the memory of the graphics accelerator allowint the computer to have games requiring high graphical memory.

In order to display graphics a computer needs a monitor and?

A graphics card that fits into an internal slot on the motherboard. A basic graphics card is usually in a standard computer. A gaming computer will have a much more powerful graphics card, even one cooled by its own fan.