

What is Neil Armstrong favorite books?

Updated: 8/22/2021
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6y ago

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a good ole porno book

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Elnora Herman

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2y ago
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Q: What is Neil Armstrong favorite books?
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Books on Neil Armstrong?

"First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" by James Hansen

What is neil armstrong's favorate food?

Neil Armstrong's favorite food is reported to be a shrimp cocktail.

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every medal

What is Neil Armstrong's favorite movie?

real steal

What is neil Armstrong favorite tv show?

Neil Armstrong's favorite TV show is probably The Honeymooners. He might also consider the direct NASA TV feeds as his favorites, as well!

What was Neil's Armstrong favorite color?

Yellow. Perhaps it was "lunar gray-blue."

What is Neil Armstrong's favorite color?


What is Neil Armstrong's favorite kind of music?

country music

Was Neil Armstrong a good reader?

Yes, he read 90 books when he was in first grade.

What was Neil Armstrong country of origin?

Neil Armstrong's country is the U.S.