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Q: What is OH plus HO?
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Did the Jolly Green Giant say Ho ho ho?

Yes, I would say he does say HO HO HO. But it's not like a Santa Claus HO HO HO it's more of a OH OH OH.

Do you get Ho-oh after or before you get to the eighth gym heart gold?

You get Ho-oh after beating the 5 geisha women in the dance theater and hearing a disruption in the bell tower. You need all 8 badges because you need to be "worthy" of ho-oh's presence, plus you meet up with soul who tells you about the geisha women that defeated him. SO ho-oh AFTER the 8th gym.

How do you get a Ho-oh egg in Pokemon soul silver?

Buy 2 DS Get Heartgold Get Soulsilver Capture Ho-oh in Heartgold Breed Ho-oh with Ditto Hatch Ho-oh Trade Ho-oh with a Pokemon from your Soulsilver Breed Ho-oh with Ditto in Soulsilver There's u egg.

Where to find Ho-oh in Pokemon soul silver if you run or defeat him?

you cant get ho oh in Pokemon soulsilver, plus if you run or defeat it then you wolnt see it again unless you saved before you encountered him

What is the code for a shiny Ho-oh in diamond?

Ho-oh is not on the pokedex

How do you catch a ho-oh in platinum?

Ho-oh is unobtainable in Platinum.

Pokemon diamond who has a ho-oh?

Ho-Oh? What are you talking about? There is no Trainer with Ho-Oh. You'd need to get it from another game or with the Action Replay.

How can you get Ho-oh?

get all the badges in kanto and ho-oh will be in the bell tower

Ruins of alph how to get in Ho-oh tomb?

you need ho oh in your party

Do you get Ho-oh on One Island?

You get moltres on one island not ho-oh

Is there a ho-oh in Pokemon sky?

There is a Ho-Oh somewhere in Mt. Mistral

Pokemon FireRed how to get Ho-oh?

Ho-oh is not in FireRed so you will have to trade to get it.