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Q: What is Odysseus goal in the odyssey?
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What is Odysseus trying to do in 'The Odyssey'?

Odysseus' main goal is trying to return home, to Ithaca.

What was the goal in the odyssey book 10?

In Book 10 of the Odyssey, the goal was for Odysseus and his men to seek information about their journey home from Aeolus, the god of wind. Aeolus gifted Odysseus with a bag containing the winds that would help them sail safely back to Ithaca.

Who are the women from the Odyssey?

I believe you are referring to the sirens. They sirens are women Odysseus stumbles upon on his journey who sexually lure Odysseus and distract him from his ultimate goal.

Does the story of Odysseus come first or The Odyssey?

The story of Odysseus is the Odyssey.

What are the main characters of the odyssey?

Odysseus was the main character of the Odyssey.

What is Odysseus tying to do in Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus is trying to get back home to Ithaca

Who was the hero of the Odyssey?

Odysseus was the hero of the Odyssey.

Where is the Odysseus when the odyssey begins?

Odysseus is trapped on the lush island of Ogygia, by the nymph Calypso at the beginning of The Odyssey.

Why did Odysseus go on The Odyssey?

Odysseus went on The Odyssey because he wanted to travel back to his fatherland of Ithaca.

How is the word Odyssey related to Odysseus journey?

The word odyssey is related to odysseus journey because the word odyssey means a long journey and odysseus journey home took him 20 years

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