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Q: What is Odyssues overall destination in the Odyssey?
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What was Zeus' role in The Odyssey?

To kick his fathers stomach, save his siblings, and then marry his sister.

What is odyssues trying to do in the Odyssey?

He is trying to get home to his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus, after the 10 year Trojan war.

Who did odyssues marry?

odyssues married Penelope

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Who is Odysseus' dad?

Odysseus' dad was Laertes

Where is odyssues home?


What is odyssues the god of?

Nothing, he is the king of Ithaca.

Why did odyssues leave his home in the odyessy?

to fight in the trogon war.

Who is Odyssues son?

It is the cyclops polyphemus

How does Odysseus show cleverness in The Odyssey?

in the odyssey, odysseus show cleverness in many ways. He show cleverness when on the island with the cyclopes. With the cyclopes killing his men odyssues must fin a way to keep most of his men alive. So he gets the cyclopes drunk with wine and telling him he is nohbody. then when the cyclopes falls asleep odysseus staps the cyclopes in the eye. When he escapes the cyclpose he makes him look stupid making the cyclopes scream "nohbody did this Nohbody did this!"

Did Odyssues have kids?

yes Odysseus did have one child named telemachus who was prince of Ithaca

What is Penelope doing at the end of book 20 in The Odyssey?

"This was her way of putting her husband to the test." Penelope does not believe that it is really her husband who has returned. She thinks that a God or something else may be pretending to be Odysseus. Since he constructed the bed himself of course he would know that it was built into a tree truck and essentially cannot be moved. The test is her passively saying that the bed is going to be moved, if Odysseus would not have questioned the moving of the bed then it would of lead her to believe that it indeed was not Odyssues. The "test" was a way for her to find out if it was truly Odyssues.