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Percent concentration could mean many things...

MOLARITY is defined as the moles of solute per unit volume of solution so 5 moles of NaCl in one liter of solution would be 5M (molar) NaCl solution.
(Note: Solution is the solvent and solute combined, usually the solid is added and then the solution is filled to a certain line once the solid has dissolved.)

MOLALITY is defined as the moles of solute per kilogram of solvent (NOT solution). So 5 moles of NaCl in one kilogram of water makes 5 mol/kg NaCl. (sometimes the symbol m is used for molality but is often confused with the unit of meters).

For other types of "percent concentration" of solutions check:

A cursory glance seemed to confirm the accuracy of the information.

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Q: What is Percent Concentration?
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