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She carries into effect the curses of men upon the souls of the dead.

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Q: What is Persephone's powers as queen of the underworld?
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What are persephones accsessories?

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, had no need for "accessories": do remember she is a goddess whose powers were not limited by anything but her own will.

What were Persephones traits?

She was Queen of the Underworld and goddess of Spring: Persephone's traits tied to these aspects of her being a Greek goddess - it also depends on the situation and myth.

Why is persephones symbol a pomegranates?

she is a symbol of pomogrante because she ate it at the underworld

What were some of Persephones hobbies?

This Greek goddess did not have much time for "hobbies" given her duties as both Queen of the Underworld, Mistress of the Furies, and goddess of Spring.

What was Persephones personality like in the underworld and on Earth?

In winter, which is spent with her husband Hades (Pluto in Roman mythology) in the Underworld, she has a higher authority and holds her position of power, as the Queen of the Underworld with a strong fist. Whereas in the warmer months when she comes to the surface she is sensitive, happy and able to be a daughter of a goddess with no real worries.

What are Persephones responsibility?

Persephone is responsible for making the flowers in the spring grow. But, when she was abducted by Hades, she became Queen of the underworld for half the year (or 1 third of the year... not quite determined). After 1 third of the year was over, (or half year) she would rise back up above ground for the remaining 2 thirds of a year (or half year) and greet her parents, Zues and Demeter.

What was Persephone the queen of?

Queen Persephone is the queen of the Underworld. Hades is her husband and is ruler of the Underworld.

Why did the queen of underworld eat pomegranates?

Persephone was not the Queen of the Underworld until after consuming the pomegranate, after which she was bound to the Underworld and thus Hades and became his wife and so Queen of the Underworld.

What power did Persephone have and what could it do?

The powers of a god or goddess are not limited to human imagination. Persephone was goddess Queen of the Underworld and Spring.

When was Queen of the underworld Persephone taken?

Persephone was not Queen of the Underworld until taken to the Underworld by Hades: afterward, she was never taken anywhere against her will.

What were Persephone's accessories?

Persephone, in Greek mythology, is often depicted with a crown or wreath of flowers, holding a torch to symbolize her role as Queen of the Underworld and her journey between the realms of the living and the dead. She is also sometimes shown with pomegranates, which are symbolic of her time spent in the Underworld.

Did Persephone have any special powers?

Yes, Persephone had several special powers. As the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, she had the ability to bring forth new life and growth, as well as the power to control the seasons. She also had the ability to transmute into different forms and had control over the spirits of the dead.