

What is Phillips address in The Cay book?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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14y ago

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his address in they cay doesnt say

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What is is Phillips age from The Cay by Theodore Taylor?

In the book "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor, Phillip Enright is an 11-year-old boy.

What is timothy and Phillips urgent need for the rescue in The Cay?

the urgent need is for them to get out of the cay

What happened to Phillips sight The Cay?

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In The Cay what are Phillips characteristics?

Phillip is a curious and independent 11-year-old white American boy. He is initially sheltered, privileged, and has limited exposure to diversity. However, his experiences throughout the novel help him develop resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the world.

Who was Phillips' parents int The Cay?

Philip Enright's parents in "The Cay" were Grace and Harry Enright.

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In the book "The Cay," the signs of Phillip's blindness were that he was unable to see light or distinguish shapes, colors, or objects. He also experienced confusion and disorientation in his surroundings, leading to feelings of fear and helplessness.

What was Phillips attitude about the war in The Cay?

In the book "The Cay," Philip displays fear and uncertainty about the war, as it disrupts his life and separates him from his family. He struggles to understand the implications of the conflict and its impact on his future. However, as the story progresses, Philip gains a deeper understanding of the war's complexities and learns to adapt to his circumstances.

Who is Phillips shipmate in The Cay?

Timothy, but more like raft mate.

From the book The Cay what is Phillips reaction to timothy?

his reaction is that timothy is a black man and should be chucked of the raft but then warms up to him and they become good friends. this is actually from the book so u can use it!

What does bahss mean from the book The Cay?

"Bahss" is a phonetic spelling of the word "boss" in the book "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. It is used by the character Timothy to address Phillip in a playful and endearing manner.

What is the resolution in the book "The Cay"?

the resolution of the bookthey cay is 720.

Map of the cay in the book the cay?

The cay in the book "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor is a small, uninhabited island located in the Caribbean. It is surrounded by the ocean and is depicted as being remote and desolate. The map of the cay would show its small size, with a central beach area and some scattered vegetation.