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Polyneices' punishment was non-burial. The application of the sentence was his corpse being left, above ground and exposed to the weather, the dogs, and the birds. This sentence wasn't in keeping with the way that Polyneices had led his life and made ready for his death. Polyneices was the Theban descendant of Thebes' founder, Cadmus [fl. 2000 B.C.E.*]. As a Theban, and particularly as a founding member's descendant, he was supposed to be guaranteed of a burial in accord with the god-given rites and rituals. It didn't matter that he had helped his hometown's enemies lead a treacherous, but ultimately disastrous, invasion of Thebes. The hatreds of a lifetime were supposed to end with death. But Polyneices' uncle, Theban King Creon, decided that family ties ended, in life and in death, with betrayal of the hometown by a hometown boy. He therefore continued Polyneices' punishment in life into death. He did so by denying his nephew the god-given right to a proper below-ground burial. *Before the Christian Era.

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Q: What is Polyneices' punishment?
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Why was polyneices to be left unburied

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Polyneices' sister, Antigone.

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That Ismene has no right to share in the blame or the punishment is what Antigone says in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone deliberately breaks a royal edict that honors god-given rights to a below-ground burial for her brother Eteocles but denies them to her brother Polyneices. She asks Ismene for help in burying Polyneices and is turned down. At her trial and sentencing, she announces that she alone deserves punishment since Ismene is innocent of being an accessory to a crime for which she therefore deserves neither blame nor punishment.

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No, Eteocles was the younger brother of Polyneices.

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Punishment for offenses against Thebes, discouragement to copycat challenges and rebellions, and consolidation of his rule are Creon's motivation in deciding to dishonor Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.). Specifically, Theban King Creon decides to leave his nephew Polyneices' body unburied and exposed to the wear-and-tear of the weather and wildlife. His motivations are punishment carried over into death for offenses committed during life and discouragement of similar challenges to his royal powers in Thebes. Ultimately, Creon wants to make sure that he holds onto his royal job and passes it safely on to his son, Prince Haemon.

Why doesn't Polyneices receive an honorable burial?

The king does not want Polyneices to be buried.

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Why would Creon have regarded Polyneices as a renegade

According to the religious beliefs of the times what will be the consequences for polyneices of this puinshment?

According to the religious beliefs of the times, Polyneices may suffer in the afterlife due to being denied a proper burial and funeral rites, which were essential for a peaceful journey to the underworld. His soul may be left restless and unable to find peace, leading to potential punishment or wandering in the afterlife.

Is Polyneices a swineherd in 'Oedipus Rex'?

No, Polyneices is not a swineherd in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Polyneices is a Theban prince. He is supposed to be king by alternating years of rule with his twin brother Eteocles. But Eteocles refuses to honor Polyneices' legitimate claims. Polyneices turns for help to Argos, into whose house he marries.

Why doesn't Ismene bury Polyneices?

Ismene doesn't bury Polyneices because she doesn't want to disobey the State.

Why does Polyneices bring an army against Thebes?

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How does Polyneices die?

He is killed by Eteocles.